23 mars 2013

Market Analysis in China

Market Analysis in China 

Il existe beaucoup de sociétés capables de réaliser des études de marché, ou market analysis en Chine.

About Chinese Market

Des faits intéressants présentés par Daxue Market analysis en Chine

  1. Online sales are becoming an increasingly large part of the Chinese marketplace.
  2. There are numerous laws and regulations relating to imported food and beverage products in China and these are updated or revised continuously. 
  3. Chinese companies are aggressively making the most of this opportunity.
  4. Online retailing is much more popular in the larger cities. For example, in Shanghai online retailing represents about via 
  5. 8 percent of sales and this number will  be higher for shoppers of imported products.

 lire aussi

10 Step to conduct a market Research in China : An important part of the market survey in China , is to measure the feelings and preferences of Chinese customers in a given market. 


Olivier VEROT Stratégie Chine

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